Airbrush on paper
I saw this is young woman when walking in a crowd that had come to worship ata nearby temple on the Festival of Dussera.
She was so simple and shy but caught my eye as she stared at me. She might not have seen a blue eyed foreigner before. I wanted to capture her unabashed innocence with no pretensions.
I kept the treatment very simple and plain just like the woman/child whom I had encountered. I used clear blues, her dark skin tone contrasting with the bright white of her eyes to emphasise the stare. My intention was to keep it simple and not photorealistic as can easily be done with airbrush.
Sterre, it said “Gail” here but that must have been a typo and I am not sure what you meant so I just deleted it.
My mother, who is a tapestry weaver, really liked this painting. She made a beautiful tapestry based on it that is just the same size as the original. It is included here.