Prayer Horse, 2008

 Prayer Horse (2008), 91.44cm X 137.16cm, surface Masonite board. Oil paint, sold

Around 2000 I started taking an interest in Buddhist learning.  I travelled to Dharmsala and visited Buddhist temples and other places of interest. I started reading about Buddhism and was inspired to make several paintings with Buddhist subjects over the last 20 years.

When I visited the city of Dharamshala, prayer flags danced in the air everywhere. I asked  people exactly what the meaning of these flags was. I was told that the wind would carry the prayers with the wishes of Tibetan devotees that were printed on the multicoloured flags. I noticed that, aside from elaborate Tibetan script, there was a horse printed on the flags. The flags were in colours of Tibetan goddesses, red, green, yellow, white, and blue. It was so cheerful to see the flags waving in the wind. I felt that  people’s prayers  surrounded me as they floated on the wind to travel around the world.

My prayer horse is shown flying in the wind, its legs not touching the ground.  It flies  eager and happy, attached to strings with prayers to holy powers. The horse has bells that ring in the wind as it flies. Buddhist colours decorate the horse, each with its own special powers.

For me, all colours have their own power and energy.  When I paint I keep that in mind and use these elements as a means to communicate the energy, mood, and thought behind a painting.   
Painting is my meditation and gives me a break from the stress of my life.  Painting is  a prayer for peace and producing a painting is the answer fulfilled.

Flags flutter outside my studio in the often burning wind of New Delhi, reminding me of colour, travel, cool mountain air, red-robed monks and the humming of prayers.

She’s a Leopard Too: Tapestry

My mother, who is a tapestry weaver, really liked this painting. She made a beautiful tapestry based on it that is just the same size as the original. It is included here.