A landslide that had occurred on a property where I have a holiday home in Northern India was the inspiration for this painting. The house is in the city of Mussoorie, in the state of Uttarakhand. It is located about 2,130 meters above sea level (7,000 feet). There are frequent landslides during the monsoons in this area and the house is in constant danger.
One day, when I went for a walk during the monsoon, there had just been a landslide. Stones that had loosened from the hillsides were spread out as if an artist had created a beautiful composition. The natural colours were exquisite, like a treasure trove glistening with moisture from the rain.
As I stood looking at the scene, I contemplated, “It just takes a second for a scenery to change, just like life!” Naturally, the next thing that happened was that I was inspired and started planning a painting. For me, whenever I have an experience like that, the feeling of awe and inspiration continues until I finish the painting. As long as my brush touches the canvas, it keeps bringing me back those the feelings and thoughts until the moment I finish. This happens often, when I have an inspiration the feeling can last for one or two months, but I do need to have my brush in my hand.
Unfortunately no one else liked the painting as well as I did, so it was never sold and now hangs at a great height in my living room. It looks like the landslide is about to overwhelm us at any moment. Generally, I feel that humankind likes to avoid facing reality. This painting prompts the viewer to remember that life can change in an instant, that confrontation with unexpected events forces us to deal with the fragility of our existence.
My mother, who is a tapestry weaver, really liked this painting. She made a beautiful tapestry based on it that is just the same size as the original. It is included here.